

makalah bahasa inggris tentang pendidikan bahasa yang berkarakter

makalah bahasa inggris tentang pendidikan bahasa yang berkarakter


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A. Background
Character Education is a system of cultivation of character values ​​to the school community, which includes knowledge, awareness or volition, and actions to implement those values, both to God Almighty (YME), ourselves, others, the environment, and nationhood so a man perfect man. In Character Education at the school, all of the components (stakeholders) should be involved, including the components of education itself, the content of the curriculum, learning and assessment, quality of relationships, handling or management subjects, school management, the implementation of the activities or co-curricular activities , empowerment infrastructure, financing, and working ethos of all citizens and the school environment.
Character education can be integrated into learning in each subject. Instructional material relating to norms or values ​​in each subject should be developed, dieksplisitkan, associated with the context of everyday life. Thus, learning the values ​​of the characters not only on the cognitive level, but touched on internalization, and practice in the life of everyday learners in the community. One is the English language subjects. English subjects are core subjects studied by all levels of education in Indonesia, formal or informal ranging from elementary school (SD) to High Peguruan. This course is designated as absolutely mandatory subjects studied, because in this globalization era English language lessons is a subject that is used in a variety of disciplines. Expected in the future, with the knowledge of English language students can compete in all areas. Given the important role of the English language, then English lessons in schools are appropriately becoming a great attention by the school. So far, most of the opinions expressed by the students, that the English subjects are difficult subjects even scary for them, it is not uncommon that students truant students do not go on this subject. On the other hand sometimes students just being passive while learning the English language, in the sense of sitting still and not knowing what is being studied.
This situation can not be left alone, if you want to young people to compete in the current era of globalization, especially in the future. Since there is no such dipelajaran ability. It is therefore worth exploring the causes of students have barriers to learning English subjects. Then the teacher can implement character education english. With the expectation that students are more excited and enthusiastic in learning English. This is what should be considered and addressed by the school as well as policy makers.

C. Problem Formulation
1. What causes students encounter in learning English?
2. How to overcome barriers to students to learn English?
3. How do teachers implement teaching Britain character?

B. Destination
1. Knowing the barriers students in learning English.
2. Knowing how to overcome hamabatan students to learn English.
3. Knowing how teachers implement Britons language teaching character to students.

A. Definition of Learning
The definition of learning according to Fontana is a process of change that is relatively fixed in individual behavior as a result of experience. Definitions are focused on three things. That is:
·         That study should enable individual behavioral change
·         That change should be the fruit of experience
·         That change occurred in the behavior of individuals who may
Learning in a general sense is a quest for knowledge and new experiences in order to overcome the problems in his life. Included in this sense is looking to gain newabilities.. According to Cronbach cited by Sumadi Suryabrata, said that learning is a change in behavior sebgai results (because of) experience.
According to Harold Spears, he said learning is observing, reading, imitate, try, listen and follow directions (learning is to observe, to read, to imitate, to try something Themselves, to listen, to follow direction).
While Mc.Geoh say that learning is a change in appearance as a result (effect) of practice (running something activity / activities).
From some opinions on the above points can be drawn that notion:
1)      Learning will bring (cause actual) actual change in behavior or potential both
2)      By studying a person will get a new skill
3)      ) Changes in behavior and new skills acquired through a business, according to the analysis Sumadi Suryabrata.
B. Obstacles in Learning
The learning process experienced by students is not always smooth as expected. Sometimes they have difficulties or obstacles that may interfere with the smooth however small study. Barriers can be categorized as follows:
a. Barriers to Student Self Arising from Self.
These barriers can be:
1)      Biological, are barriers that are physical:
a)  Disability body, Is the lack of body perfection, like broken legs, a broken arm, leg tapers (polio), lack of hearing or deaf, the blind, can interfere with the smooth learning. Furthermore it may cause frustration and low self-esteem, which obviously greatly affect students' learning activities.
b)  Health, a healthy person means free from disease. Board unhealthy fast can cause fatigue, easy drowsiness, lack of passion in learning and consequently interfere with the smooth study.
2) Psychological barriers are psychological nature such as:
a)  Intelligence. Students who have low intelligence learning progress will be hampered.
b) Talent. Is the ability to learn a new look when someone is learning. Talent is very influential in student learning and in one particular area.
c)   Interests. Is one factor that will determine the success of the study. Students who are not interested in studying a particular area will be hard to achieve good performance.
d)  Attention. Is shown in the active life of a particular object.
b. Barriers arising from outside the student.
1) Such constraints come from the family.
a) The indifferent attitude of the parents, indulgence, over-protective, helps a lot, too much pressure on children with strict discipline can impede the learning progress.
b) Economic conditions also play a role in supporting family learning success.
c) Mismatched relationship between family members.
2) School.
a) The state of the building that are not representative of the classroom is a place that will determine the success or failure of a lesson.
b)  When school is not suitable for learning.
c)  Teaching and learning methods that do not fit determine the effectiveness of learning.
d)  Homework too much.
e) The lack of school facilities and infrastructure can also hinder students' progress.
3) Environment.
a)  Friends hanging out is not good.
b)  The influence of the mass media are negative.
c)   Event organization too much.
C. Principles of Learning
Learning principles proposed by Rothwall (1961) as follows:
1)      Principles of Preparedness is an individual condition that allows him to learn. That included readiness here is maturity and physical growth, intelligence background experiences, learning outcomes raw, motivation, perception and other factors that allow a buffer study.
2)      The principle motivation is the condition of the student to initiate activities, set direction of the activity, and maintaining authenticity.
3)      The principle of interpretation that perception of the situation alive. Each individual sees the world in his own way that is different from other
4)      The principle purpose of the specific objectives to be achieved by someone.
5)       The principle of individual differences.
6)       The principle of transfer and retention. Whatever is learned in one situation will eventually be used in other situations, the process is known as the transfer process. The ability to reuse someone learning outcomes is called retention.
7)      Cognitive learning principles include associations between elements, concept formation, problem-finding and problem-solving skills are further establish the new behavior.
8)      Principles of effective learning which includes the value of emotions, encouragement, interests and attitudes.
9)       Psychomotor learning principles that determine how a person is able to control his physical activities.
10)  The principle of evaluation is how to test the progress in achieving the objectives.
D. The driving factor of learning that can be done by the teacher.
1.      Internal motivation.
Strong motivation in students, not dissuaded from their parents or because it will be rewarded. He is merely a valuable boost personal satisfaction that can not be dimaterikan. To bring this internal motivation, may need social engineering or its "snap" like "meet bule", and wanted to know English. That impromptu nature necessarily subjective, that can be done is creating space that Enables creativity to emerge, Prof. mengitup language. John Halsey (professor of education at Flinders University), namely the need for a mechanism that allows the creativity it would appear. As a teacher, the teacher has a strategic role with the backing of the government's policy to create an environment that fosters a love for the English language. One thing you can do is bring the Bule directly in the classroom, bringing successful people learn English, and other efforts in order mensitumulasi tumbuhnyainternal motivation.
2.       External motivation. This method is different from the first, more reinforcing factors that are beyond the student concerned. But also to influence the growth of learning motivation. Giving gifts and other forms of competitions is one of the efforts to make students more eager to learn English. Provision of facilities and infrastructure as well as the. However, the motivation for students is menentukkan for entry and no brain sciences to students. This fact will be more powerful when balanced with the means and infrastructure are inadequate anyway.
E. Methods of teaching english
English in primary school will seem interesting and not boring if the teacher as an agent of knowledge can transfer the knowledge, science and English language skills in a fun and acceptable to children. Many things can be done by a teacher pengampu English in elementary school. Teachers can use a variety of media and methods are appropriate and fun for children.

Learning English by story telling for Indonesian children. a picture from
One method of teaching English that appeal to children is through story telling (telling). Storytelling in which teachers tell stories and stories in English. difficult as it sounds because the child does not know the meaning of words and phrases spoken by the teacher. But here there is a positive side. Children will be familiar with the words, phrases and sentences in English. To overcome these teachers can use media images or video stories. Teachers can use a picture or video that will help children understand the story. So that the real story and stimulate the child's emotions and responses of teachers in bringing the stories involve expression and emotion as if the teacher's role in the story. Story telling can also use the help of the full video. Teachers simply rotate children's stories in English. When finished playing the video stories can ask questions of teachers in children.
Talking about the story material for story telling teachers can use books of folklore (folk tales, fairy tales, legends, fable, etc). The book can be obtained at the library, or by e-book downloaded on the internet. in addition to e-book, teachers can download / download story in the form of mp3 files or videos. To support teacher learning can also create media images relating to stories that are used. Some sites that can serve as a reference.
To support and facilitate story telling is ideally teachers using laptops and LCD projectors. With the help of these two tools will greatly facilitate teachers in presenting the material story telling. Story telling is one method of teaching English in primary schools can improve children's ability in listening and speaking. The kids here are not just passively listening to it because after listening to the story the teacher can encourage children to discuss duah related stories seen and heard. The children will get used to be involved and are exposed in the use of language. Students accustomed to the atmosphere of a real English.


Based on the discussions that have been described above can be summarized as follows:
1) Barriers pebelajaran students in the English language include barriers arising from the student and barriers arising from outside the student.
2) Overcoming barriers students in learning the English language to do oleg teachers through students' willingness to learn driving factors and methods tepadu and interesting.
3) Implementation of English education in charactermore adequate development in an integrated curriculum model and integrated learning with integrated learning methods as well.
B.      ADVICE
To realize the goal of character education English language learners of creating aknowledgeable not only of students that could be because roteCharacter educationactivities are expected to be a discussion, simulation, and performance for a variety ofschool activities, teachers are also expected to be more active in their learning.

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